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 Le Consul


The Honorary Consulate of the Democratic Republic of Sao Tome et
                                               Principe  in Lebanon

The Honorary Consul :
Mr. Ramzi  Rachid  Haidar

Biography :

  1. Mr. Ramzi  Haidar  is born  in 1961 , in Nabatieh , Lebanon
  2. He is married and has 3 children.

Titles :

  1. Honorary Consul of the Democratic Republic of Sao Tome et Principe in Lebanon since 2006
  2. World President of The World Lebanese Cultural Union.
  3. Member of the Consular Corps in Lebanon.
  4. Member of the Administrative Board of the Cultural Movement in Lebanon.

*- Mr. Haidar travelled to Gabon in the early 80th, then he moved in
     Various African countries: Ivory Coast , Togo , Burkina Fasso, Benin
     & Sao Tome et Principe.

*- He has good relations with  the Government of Sao Tome et Principe.

*- He worked in Commerce , Construction, Exportation, Importation
     and Distribution.

*- Mr. Ramzi has received the Decree of His Nomination as Honorary
    Consul of Sao Tome et Principe , from the President of The Lebanese
    Republic, General Emile Lahoud, in 25/10/2006.